My Reality


Everyday I wake up to reality

Still living in my fantasy

Sitting on my bed daydreaming

Of the life   of a  fantasy

While I go to bed in mediocrity

Is this my reality?


Every morning I wake up by the alarm

I go straight to Instagram

Wanting to measure up with the standards

Then I lost my focus and got caught off guard

Being deceived by the things I saw on TV

I realized that I am my own reality


I focused on the things that never mattered

Never knew that I am smarter

Now I know that I am what I say I am

Confirmed my the words of my father

As a man thinketh in his heart so he is

I am Gertrude .O. Onemena

And this is my reality


Gertrude Ochuko Onemena

Dream again: Give a child hope.

Ever had a fantasy, where you wanted to be a Disney channel star? When all you ever hoped for was to land a role in Disney channel sitcoms or original movies? To be the next star like Selena Gomez, Miley Cruz, Debby Ryan, or Zendaya Coleman?

Well, none of these happened, Right? And what happened instead was that you grew up to face reality, accepting the fact that not all dreams were made to come true. Yeah so true, but you know what? You are not the only one who had the same fantasies.

I also had the same fantasies but I never called them my fantasies, they were my dreams. Like it or not, there are thousands of kids out there who also have the same dreams you had. What would you tell them if you had the opportunity to?

make them believe…

Would you discourage or encourage them? Please do not discourage them. The fact that you never got a spot does not mean they won’t. Yes, not every child would get a chance, but not every child would have the strength to get their lives in order and focus on other paths to achieve success in life as you have done.

let them try…

You know how they feel because you have been there. Seeing other kids your age doing stuff you wish to do, enjoying the life you wish to live, achieving success, and making a difference. You only wished you had the opportunity they had.

Some of us saw our race, socioeconomic status, nationality, disabilities, and many others as our disadvantages which never gave us the chance to be qualified. One thing we all failed to recognize is Talent,  which is universal. Talent is common to all races, statuses, nationalities, etc.

Talent can never be hidden when it has been discovered by the person who possesses it. So let’s help our children, our younger ones, and the next generation dream again. Help them believe they can be who they want to be, help them believe they have no limit, and help them dream again.

I believe the future would be greater if we give our children hope because, they are the future. Give the children hope.

Whether you are a Nigerian, an African, Asian, or another race, you can achieve your dreams. Just like Walt Disney, if you can dream it, you can be it. Your skin color can’t determine your success.

Gertrude Ochuko Onemena

Recess is over

Hey guys,

Recess is over, it’s time we leave our playgrounds to our fields and workshops.

We want a bright and successful future right? If yes, it is time we stop playing and start working. Let’s pay now to play later. Pay the price for the prize.

We all want to want to be successful in life. We must know that we can’t have a successful life without managing our time. Time is not unlimited, it has a limit and it waits for no one. That’s why they say to make hay while the sun shines.

Time is a great factor for success, so we need to value it and make the best use of it. I consider time as the following;

T – The

I – initial

M- moment for

E- executing your plans for a successful life.

Time management is the key to success. It allows you to take full control of your life and all the activities at your disposal. It brings you out from the crowd and makes you outstanding. It helps you feed your focus and starve your distractions.

So, set your priorities right, do what you are supposed to do to make your dream a reality, start now, and do not procrastinate. Procrastination is a dream killer, it destroys a bright future.

Remember, any time wasted can never be gotten back. Time waits for no one. Start planning for a brighter future now, today, don’t wait for tomorrow.